Kelly is a powerhouse leader, speaker, lobbyist, consultant, and director of a comprehensive victim recovery and restoration project. She founded the National Human Trafficking Survivor Coalition, formed with other professional survivor leaders in 2016, to get emergency funding to survivors as well as advocate, educate and raise awareness of HT in the USA.
As a formerly elected County Commissioner in Colorado, she has worked with both the Obama and Trump administrations, as well as other elected officials, to help them understand the implications and impacts of legislation on Federal and International Levels. She has written, testified, and advised on over 100 pieces of legislation around the US.
Kelly is the Executive Director of Sierra Cares Foundation which serves to repatriate, educate and serve vulnerable women and children in Sierra Leone, Kelly authored the first mental health program being piloted in West Africa and helps African and Middle Eastern Lawmakers understand sex and labor trafficking as it relates to their countries.
Her consultation extends from group homes to the United Nations, the Vatican, and Federal entities. She sits on the Governor’s Council as an Advisor for 3 States and is a member of Global Survivor Alliance and Delta 8.7 for United Nations. She is also a board member for United Against Slavery and serves for the US Department of State Council on World Affairs on policy.
She is a survivor of familial trafficking from ages 1-14 and her testimony brought charges against her trafficker when she was 15. To date, she is also the only human trafficking survivor to have held public office in the USA.
Kelly’s Montezillo, LLC, is a public policy consulting organization that engages legislators on anti-trafficking and best practice laws. As a subject matter expert in policy, legislation and CSE, her advising extends to United Nations, the Vatican, State and Federal entities.
Sierra Cares Foundation brings back to Sierra Leone women held in captive situations and organizes housing, primary care and education for the tough years ahead.
Kelly wrote a guide to recognizing familial trafficking and is published in the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, Titled, Estimating the Prevalence of Human Trafficking in the United States. She is also a Tedx Speaker. See below her presentation.