Cathy O'Brien
Speaker, Author
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Cathy O'Brien (born December 4, 1957) is an American conspiracy theorist and author who claims to have been a victim of a government mind control program called "Project Monarch", which she alleges was part of the CIA's Project MKUltra.[1][2][3][4][5] O'Brien made these assertions in Trance Formation of America (1995) and Access Denied: For Reasons of National Security (2004), both of which she co-authored and self-published with her husband, Mark Phillips.[1] According to scholars, there is no credible evidence for O'Brien's claims and there are numerous inconsistencies with her story.[5]

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What clients are saying

Cathy approaches her account with a no-holds-back stance, delivering her message as clear as possible. Some bits appear strange to the skeptical, but you must take it all at face value.

That being said...

This book is not for the faint of heart. Cathy is put through literal torture, which includes a lot of "kinky" sex (not for her own enjoyment, mind you) and electric prods. You might want to cry. You might want to kill the people who did this to her. You might want to vomit. You might even be triggered back to your own childhood. Of you go ahead and buy this, read it, and read it carefully. Take breaks to process. Don't let yourself go into denial. Put the faces to the names. You will feel relieved when she gets a break in the Shell Operation.


Absolutely brilliant and utterly devastating. From the first mind controlled "Presidential model" Marilyn Monroe to modern day pop stars and celebrities (Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Miley Cyrus, Shia LaBeouf, Lindsey Lohan etc etc... these people are not mentioned in the book, but show clear signs of mind control based trauma and most have had breakdowns due to it, only to "take a break" to go off and be reprogrammed) Mind Kontrol Ultra (taken out of Nazi Germany) was fine tuned in NASA/military compounds across America after Project Paperclip gave Nazi scientists safe passage into America after WWII. Cathy and her daughter Kelly were sold into it from birth from multi-generational incest and ritual abuse, and her story is absolutely mind blowing.

Mikey Kay

As I read this book I felt overwhelmed at times by the revelations of who the perpetrators are/were and just how evil these people are. It also brought to mind the dysfunction of my own family as I was growing up. The "mind games" my parents played, the roles each of us children adapted to, and the secrets that were kept right up to the time I was graduating from High School, all came flooding back to my own mind. And that's not a bad thing, for these "revelations" helped me to acknowledge the long-held falsehoods that I believed in most of my life and have helped me to break out of those roles that I have lived for all these many years since leaving home. At 57 years of age, I am finally breaking free of the hold that those mind games have had on me. I can now begin to function as a free man and learn how to be real and be true. I am grateful for this book if for no other reason than what I have stated here. But in addition, knowing that there really is a shadow government lurking about trying to control everyone's lives and bring about this "New World Order" just solidifies in my mind the suspicions I've had for years but couldn't put my finger on why. As others have said, now I know what to look for. Awareness is power. Knowledge is power.

Jake Huff


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