Alexandria Dean is an Associate Pastor at House Fellowship Ministries Inc. She founded the J R House Inc, a nonprofit organization for those that have been trafficked. She advocates and lobbies for change in laws and responses to child and adult human sex trafficking.
As current CEO and President of JJBE Inc. she develops training manuals to help your business, organizations, community groups, and individuals understand what sex trafficking is and how each person in each situation can play a key role in fighting this hideous crime.
She lived through sexual abuse by her father, physical abuse and trafficking by her mother, further abuse as a foster child, as well as, homelessness, rape, and domestic violence as an adult. She has overcome these abuses and is enthusiastic about life and her future. Her testimony gives hope and shows there’s amazing life after trauma.
JJBE Inc provides training to help you, your business, organizations, and community groups really get what sex trafficking is and how anyone, in many types of situations, can play a key role in fighting this crime.
Alexandra works directly with survivors to support their recovery.
In her autobiographical book From Heaven to Hell and Back a Few Times she shares how she overcame horrific abuses and became enthusiastic about life and her future. She also wrote the educational manual Victim to Victory Training to empower those choosing to do something about human trafficking.
Alexandria, a true woman of courage, purified example of life after the trauma has proved to be a phenomenal woman in so many ways.
Allie’s message of hope is nothing short of a miracle. Her vision is worth taking the time to get to know.
Alexandria is doing amazing boots on the ground work. Together we recently extracted a woman from trafficking, along with a nine year old girl about to get pulled in. I am honored and beyond excited to continue this collaboration.