Much different than in the movies, recovering from trafficking can be a complex and lengthy journey, which can take many years, decades even. The level of trauma is far beyond what most everyone will ever experience or comprehend.
Professionals with lived experience often enjoy enhanced trust and connection with those they serve and have a unique courage and conviction from their own overcoming that makes an impact.
They assist those with life challenges, including rape, incest, childhood sexual abuse, mind control, PTSD, and trauma of many kinds.
Drawing from psychodynamic, CBT, and attachment theories, she uses an integrative approach to understand one's life experiences and how they have led to feelings of confusion, overwhelm, and being lost. Her therapeutic style is centered around person-centered care, empathy, and respect.
Addressing mind control and what the manipulation and rituals done to enslave can be overwhelming when the aspects are scattered. Understanding how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together, the therapist or survivor can make progress towards lasting freedom. Laura shares a Christian-centered technique, combined with Body Codes and other modalities she's used to set herself free.
A Reiki Grandmaster and spiritual teacher who specializes in healing, deprogramming, and guiding individuals towards self-healing and spiritual awakening, Salini comes from a lineage of healers and love helping those looking for self-healing as well as those assisting others in their paths toward strength and wholeness.
Serving on her own as well as a member of Sustainable Love's immersion team, Beth brings breakthroughs to those that have endured ritual abuse as well as others looking for deep healing. She uses her extensive journey and her expertise in Soul Alchemy™ to facilitate in presence and online shifts of the most challenging circumstances.
Working often with healers to expand their ability to help our most traumatized, as well as artists and many others, Eve creates a safe, sacred space for healing and growth of the body and mind. She weaves together her knowledge of mental health, TCM, Bodywork, and other unique tools into a holistic approach to wellness.
Now you can take control of your own trauma recovery, and learn how to fight back against triggers and trauma reactions before making big investments in coaching, therapy, or worskshops. Book One, Stages of Trauma, is available here. Books Trauma Reactions is on Pre-Order! Healthy Boundaries are coming soon.
Click here to access Book One
Sustainable Love sparks the healing that comes from within. It is a natural process that occurs once you reestablish your own connection to heart, body, and spirit. Experience being supported by - and supporting - others who have chosen sustainable love and the healing it brings. Experience being safely vulnerable.