Dodging Enslavement in Pursuit of a Dream to Become the Next Top Model

Explore a dark corner of the fashion industry through the eyes of an aspiring model risking it all to be part of America's top models. The main character, Danielle, travels to New York City to join 20 other aspiring girls. None of them were expecting what happened next.

Through this autobiographical retelling of the events that led to decisions a young, beautiful aspiring woman should never have to make in pursuit of a dream, Air reveals vulnerabilities that can lead to the unspeakable.

Airica gently pulls back the veil to an underground world that exists within the modeling industry. An industry that has ushered in young, vibrant, beautiful women the likes of Gisele Bündchen, Heidi Klum, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Corine, and many others from all parts of the world, seeking discovery and the spotlight.