Healing Human Trauma and Ending Global Enslavement

This guide for those seeking spiritual liberation explores the concept of 'The Matrix' as a metaphorical construct of societal control and offers wisdom on breaking free and attaining self-realization and spiritual freedom.

This is a true chronicle of powerful lessons learned at the hands of dark power while tempered by the forces of light. Salini is a secret society daughter born into a dark organization of domination, hatred and violence, yet through her mother she is also the heir to a powerful legacy of female healers bringing love, light and awakening.

Salini was forced to reconcile the two together to prevail, alchemically bringing forth a great healing power to alleviate humanity's suffering. These are the lessons she learned both as a sex slave and as an initiate into love and healing. This is who she became in dying and resurrecting herself. And this is the healing she offers for those still in bondage.

Love always wins in the end darling daughter. Bless this beautiful book.

Holy Mother Ammachi